From trusted sources, it has been confirmed that 45% of adults in Nigeria have high blood pressure also called hypertension. It is known that once your systolic reading is 1300 mm of mercury or above, you are living with high blood pressure. 2 out of 5 death in Nigeria is caused by heart disease related to high blood pressure making it the leading nationwide cause of death.

The main way of fighting high blood pressure instantly is through medication and supplements. As supplements correct your blood pressure you can withdraw from medication gradually. Supplements combined with a healthy diet reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, and other health issues.

In this article, we have highlighted some ways of reducing your blood pressure. It provides you with the right information on how to reduce your high blood pressure. Here are the ways of reducing blood pressure:

Lose your body fat and track your weight

Blood pressure is a weight-related illness, this implies that an increase in weight will bring an increase in blood pressure. Being obese can cause trouble breathing while sleeping which can increase blood pressure in young adults. Losing weight is one of the most helpful ways of losing blood pressure. If you can lose 2.2 pounds of your weight you will go down by 1mm mercury.

Adequate workout

Daily exercise can reduce high blood pressure significantly. It is necessary to work out to keep your blood pressure normal. Make a habit of exercising at least half an hour daily. Exercise helps you keep your blood pressure in check from escalating into hypertension. If you are living with high pressure, you can also bring your blood pressure lower by working out regularly. Try out some exercises such as jogging, racing, horse riding, walking, dancing, cycling, and swimming.

Quit Smoking

Plaque build-up in the blood vessels while smoking which results in high blood pressure. Quitting smoking will reduce your blood pressure and help improve your overall health status. You can join a program designed to help smokers quit smoking.

Quality sleep

Going to bed early and waking early to get minimum sleep of not less than six hours daily can help reduce your risk of getting hypertension. Sleep-related illnesses such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and many more can cause sleep difficulty. Consult a medical personnel to provide medical assistance to improve your sleep. Sleep tips such as having a sleep schedule, creating a peaceful environment, having a nice restful space, being cautious what your food intake, and taking naps.

Limit your salt intake

By reducing sodium chloride in your diet can reduce your blood pressure and improve your general heart health. In general, limit your salt intake to 2,000 mg a day. You can reduce sugar by eating fewer processed foods, and limit the salt in your food while eating.

Limit stress

Chronic stress may lead to high blood pressure. Work, finances, family, illness, or relationship can cause stress. You can reduce stress by trying to impress people, concentrating on controllable issues and planning on solving problems, appreciating people’s efforts, and avoiding stress triggers.


We believe by sticking to the tips suggested above your blood pressure will reduce drastically. It is also important that you use supplements such as Tre-en-en to regulate your high blood pressure. Avoid self-medication when fighting high blood pressure by consulting your medical personnel. Make fitness your major priority by hitting the gym, and plan your diet by scheduling a consultation with your dietician.

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