Product Returns
Damaged or Missing items:
Distributors who place orders directly with NeoLife are responsible to take care of any shipping errors or damages on any drop shipment orders placed for Downline Distributors and Customers – as well as orders sent directly to them. Distributors need to report problems to their local Distributor Centre Representative as soon as possible. Provide the Representative with the Invoice Number, located in the upper right-hand corner of the packing slip that you receive with the shipment. Representative will advise what to do with the damaged item and make arrangements to rectify any item missing from the order. NeoLife may also ask for a request/complaint to be made in writing by the Customer/Distributor.
Customer Guarantee:
All NeoLife products carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In the event that a Customer does not find the product satisfactory, they may return the unused portion to the NeoLife Distributor from whom they purchased it. The Distributor should then find out why they are dissatisfied. (Was the taste not what they expected? Was it not fulfilling their needs?) The Distributor needs to offer a choice of replacement without charge; full credit toward the purchase of another NeoLife product; or a refund of the full purchase price. This guarantee does not apply to products which have been intentionally damaged or misused.
When making customer refunds, simply take back the unused portions and call your Distributor Services Representative. NeoLife will arrange for the return and based on the query will decide, at their own discretion, to waiver freight charge. NeoLife will issue a Query Handling Form number. Product complaints are handled as per Policies & Procedures book page 13. Queries on products mistakenly ordered and requested to be replaced are charged an exchange surcharge and when applicable re-delivery and collection on returns may be charged. See Policies and Procedures Book page 13, point 2.
Allow a minimum of two weeks from the day the return was made to receive a replacement. If a Customer contacts NeoLife directly, they will be referred back to the NeoLife Distributor from whom they purchased the item. If the Customer has proof of purchase and is unsuccessful in their attempt to receive a product guarantee directly from the selling Distributor, NeoLife will reserve the right to honour the guarantee on behalf of the Distributor and make deductions from the selling Distributor’s account in accordance with this guarantee policy.
If the selling Distributor does not want the same product replaced, we can refund their account. We will refund the full purchase price – less shipping and handling and PV/BV will be deducted from their totals for the current month. If no PV/BV is in the account when return is set up for a refund, a percentage will be deducted from total refund amount. A restocking fee may also apply (10% for cases & 15% for singles). All returns should be requested within 90 days of purchase. Keep this in mind when you review your monthly totals. Make a note of the PV/BV amount and adjust your records accordingly. For additional information please refer to NeoLife’s Guarantee/Exchange and Repurchase Policy